Configure Traefik to use custom domain name, Let’s Encrypt and Azure DNS Zone

Configure Traefik to use custom domain name, Let's Encrypt and Azure DNS Zone
In the previous article we configured Traefik to use magic domain name like In this article we configure it with your domain and Let’s Encrypt certificated authority.
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Host you domain in Azure DNS

Host you domain in Azure DNS
There are many cases when you want to dynamically add/remove CNAME, A/AAA records to your domain. To do that you should get familiar with yours domain registrar API (if any) and its limits (like requests per day, throttling, etc.). But, if you’re already working with Azure it is much easier to use Azure DNS zone instead, because it provides full control over your domain and familiar experience. So, lets get started.
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Connect your app to Azure Cosmos DB Emulator on Docker. PART 2

Connect your app to Azure Cosmos DB Emulator on Docker. PART 2
In this article we are going to focus on how to connect our application to the Cosmos DB Emulator from Docker. This article is continuation of the Part 1 of this series. I suggest to read it first before continue, because this part is based on previous one. Add Docker support to our application Before we continue we need to add Docker support to our application we created in Part 1 of this article.
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Connect your app to Azure Cosmos DB Emulator on Docker. PART 1

Connect your app to Azure Cosmos DB Emulator on Docker. PART 1
Recently I’ve tried to use official Cosmos DB Emulator on docker , but quickly encountered some issues that I’ll try to address in this article. Following documentation I’ve managed to run emulator on Docker with no problem, but issues start appearing when I’ve tied to connect my application to it. Basically, I’ve had application that also running on Docker, but unfortunately documentation does not cover this scenario. So, to figure our how to make it work I’ve decided to run my application without Docker, just to make sure that everything is working, but again there were some small issues.
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Hosting Hugo site on Azure Static Web Apps

Hosting Hugo site on Azure Static Web Apps
Recently when I decided to start my own blog, one of the first questions I had where and how I’m going to host it. Long story short I’ve decided to use Azure Statics Web App , because Azure provides a free account. So, if it is free why not 😄. Prerequisites Because you are reading this post I can assume you already have Hugo site that you want to host, if not just follow this installation guide to create one.
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